Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Special Styles Of Easter Egg Gifts

The universal symbol of the annual spring holiday, Easter is the Easter egg. It is best loved gift for celebrating this day. Over the years, egg decorating has evolved in different countries and varies according to the different cultures across the world.

You will find these varied styles very interesting and creative as unique Easter gifts. Here’s a list of some of the best decoration styles for Easter egg gifts:

United States
In the United States, many traditions from different cultures are celebrated. The most famous Easter egg tradition is the White House Egg Roll made in Washington D.C. originally started in early 1800s by First Lady dolly Madison, this tradition is still carried out with children participating in this symbolic contest on the lawn of the White House, overseen by the First Lady.

The most famous decorated eggs from Russia are known as Faberge Eggs and are named after the company that created them and are highly detailed jewelry designed in the shape of eggs. Made from gold and precious stones, Faberge eggs were originally created for the Russian Imperial Court.

Germany and Austria
There are two Easter egg traditions in Germany. While one part of the country uses green Easter eggs as gifts, the other part decorates hollow eggs.

In Greece, the Easter eggs are dyed red, the color being symbolic of the redeeming blood of Jesus, resurrected on Easter Sunday. You can even do it on your own by boiling the eggs in water, vinegar and red color or dye.

In case of the Ukrainian Easter eggs, most popular design themes include geometric shapes like diamonds or squares. It is common to give these eggs as Easter gifts and modify the colors and designs of the eggs to suit the personality and preferences of the intended recipient.

The polish Easter eggs are created by dipping an egg in wax and then carving it and dying it after the carving is finished. On Easter Saturday, the eggs are exchanges as Easter gifts among family members.

These days, you can find all these diverse egg styles in the market and present truly unique and stylish Easter gifts to your loved ones. Along with the traditional chocolates, a delightful and different Easter egg can be the perfect gift for this special occasion.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Gift Ideas For Married Couples On Valentine’s Day

When you think about Valentine’s Day, the first image to strike the mind is that of a young couple dating each other and trying to express their feelings and hope for the relationship. People often use this romantic occasion to impress someone with elaborate gifts, make their beloved feel special or strengthen their ongoing relationships.

Have you ever wondered what Valentine’s Day means for people who are already married?

It’s true that they don’t need to impress each other but this event is not any less important for them. In some ways, it is even better for them. They can celebrate their love and the time spent together. Valentine’s Day can be a reminder of all the previous years and the love and passion shared between a married couple.

Valentine’s Day gifts for your spouse should consist of a special meaning that can make them feel valued and cared for. Your wife will be delighted and touched to receive a diamond ring or a gold band with ‘I Love You’ inscribed inside. It tells her that you love and cherish her presence in your life and that you value your relationship.

Similarly, a well-chosen watch can tell your husband that you appreciate him and want to spend as much time with him as possible. He will think of you every time he looks at the watch and that is sure to bring a smile to his face.

More than elaborate or expensive gifts, married couples should choose meaningful gifts that define your emotions and make a sweet gesture of love towards your spouse. Your thoughts and personal efforts matter more than the price tag of the gift, especially when you are married.

If your gift can show that you care, that you know your other half and what makes them happy, there’s nothing better to convey your love for your Valentine. A gift can reflect the depth of your love and enduring passion if you put a little thought in it.

There’s no better occasion than Valentine’s Day to celebrate and reminisce about your individuality as well the life you both have made together. Try to come up with an original gift idea. Think of what is important to your spouse. What do they enjoy doing most?

If your wife loves cooking, there’s a huge variety of cooking books and accessories available in the market. Does she long to have a spa weekend but somehow can’t find the time for it? Here’s your chance to grant her wishes!

Flowers and jewelry are the favorite Valentine’s Day gifts that remain memorable for a long time. For men, sports goods and accessories are the most popular. More than the gift, you must focus on planning the day together, be it at a symphony or a dinner for two.

A successful marriage is not made of grand events. Rather, it is a series of small things shared and cared for. a good Valentine’s Day gift can go a long way in reflecting your commitment towards your spouse and your marriage.